Low Carb Crustless Quiche

I don't know about you guys but when I did Atkins induction I got so sick and tired of eggs and the usual egg recipes. This is an egg recipe that I love. It's quick, easy, and yummy. You don't have to make it crustless, but if you do, you can indulge a little more.


Sautéed veggies
1 cup of milk
½ lb of grated cheese
4 to 5 eggs, beaten
salt, pepper, dried or fresh herbs to taste
2 garlic cloves pressed or chopped


I use a combination of finely chopped zucchini, onion, mushrooms, green pepper, salt, pepper, herbs and garlic sautéed in olive oil. But any combination of veggies will work.

Arrange the veggies in the bottom of a quiche pan. There should be enough to cover the entire bottom.

Mix other ingredients together and pour over the veggies, spreading the mix evenly with a fork.

Place on a cookie sheet because it makes it easier to handle.

Bake in a 350 degree oven for about 40 minutes or until the center is firm and the top is golden brown

Bon Appetit =)

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